Questions Answered by hannahf
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My Unanswered Questions
Apart from willow, what other medicine have been developed from plants?
(answered by 1) -
What is your favourite experiment you've done
(answered by 5) -
Have any of you gone to space? If so, how was it?
(answered by 2) -
what would happen if we replaced the sun with an blackhole
(answered by 1) -
Have you got any facts about the human body? If you do can we hear one?
(answered by 2) -
why do volcanos errupt? amd why and how is lava made?
(answered by 1) -
hi whats your favourite planet?
(answered by 3) -
how to be a scientist
(answered by 5) -
How are you going to find a cure for cancer?
(answered by 1) -
Is it fun being a scientist?
(answered by 4)
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