I’m an Engineer has been designed so that other teachers can run the Chat for you. Pass on this document to them.
💻You will need:
- Log in cards for the students (these are supplied by the booking teacher and should be printed from the PDF).
- Computers or iPads/ tablets (one per student or one per pair)
⏰ Read this out to the students before the Chat starts:
- As a class, we will have a 30 minute live-chat with a variety of different engineers. It’s all text based, and you can ask the engineers any questions you like.
- Make sure to check the replies you and your classmates get and, if there’s more you’d like to know about their reply, follow it up with another question.
- If you didn’t get to ask all your questions you can use the Ask section where you can leave questions at any time for engineers – even the ones that weren’t in your Chat – to reply in their own time.
- Add an email address to your account in “edit your profile”, you’ll get an email when you’ve been answered.
- You can also Vote for your favourite engineer. At the end of the term, the engineer with the most votes will win a £500 prize!
- You can read how the engineers would spend the prize money on their profiles.
💬 To access the Chat:
- Students log in to the Chat at: https://imanengineer.org.uk/ using the details on their login cards.
- Click on the ‘Chat’ link.
- The Chat will open 5 minutes before the Chat is due to start.
- The moderator will be there to make sure the Chat runs smoothly and will explain how the Chat will work.
🖨️ After the Chat:
- Once the Chat is finished, students will no longer be able to send messages.
- Tell the students to ask follow up questions by clicking the Ask link.
- Tell the students to vote for their favourite engineer by clicking the Vote link.
- Students can log off.
- Download to send this information to others.
Should you have any questions, or need a hand with anything, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at support@imascientist.org.uk or by calling (+44) 01225 667922.