
Charlotte McNeill
About Me:
I live with my boyfriend in the Toon of Newcastle! I am a User Experience Analyst working as an employee at DXC Technology. 🤓 My hobbies include canoeing, yoga and training my dog who is a Rottweiler. 🛶 🧘 🐾 I also love going to sea dips at the beach, watching futuristic TV shows like Black Mirror, and my favourite kind of food are Greek gyros or Tacos! 🌊📺🌮
My pronouns are:
My Work:
User Experience Analyst – includes coding, research, data analytics & some knowledge around other IT and Business fields 🖖
My Typical Day:
I wake up and take the dog outside to the toilet, have a short play with him in the garden, make myself a coffee, and feed him before starting work at 9AM. I normally do research for clients that we work with that are external to DXC which can includes tasks as to why some of their employee’s computers are crashing. I would then do some of my own research using data we collect for all the devices in that company to make sure everything is running as it should, or contact/fix it with the right people to get them all up and running again. I normally have lunch and then take the dog for a walk or on a training session. I wrap up smaller tasks for the day and check my emails for anything needed from me – this can include putting my findings into a PowerPoint to report on for the end of the month. Further into the month I will present these to the big CEO’s for changes!
What I'd do with the prize money:
I would like to set up an event at our company to help educate younger people about different career paths and opportunities. We have a diverse team working with various clients, and each role offers unique experiences. When I was younger, I didn’t have much information about these jobs or how to enter them, and I wish I had known more about the different options available.
The idea is to host a welcome event where students can network with our employees in a casual setting. We’ll provide food and refreshments to create a relaxed atmosphere, making it easier for everyone to connect and learn about the different career paths available.
I went to a range of schools in Leicester to do my SAT’s and then my GCSE’S. I then went to Leicester College and studied 2 BTEC Level 3 Diplomas in Computing & Business. I then applied for university at De Montfort where I studied the Business for Computing course. I got fed up of my hometown and wanted to live somewhere new so I transferred my first year results and continued my degree in Huddersfield – Computing in Business . I finished my degree and went for a new venture and studied a Master’s degree in Managing Innovation & Information Systems down in Manchester! From there I realized I loved learning but needed some money to be able to live, and I met my boyfriend at De Montfort. After finishing my masters I went to visit Newcastle which is where my boyfriend is originally from and I loved it. Safe to say I settled here, started looking for a job and found something perfect for me. A career in the IT industry in a large corporate company that were hiring for apprentices… from here I could learn and experience so much more all whilst being paid!!
Work History:
I have worked in kiosks at football stadiums, bar work, waitressing, porter, digital marketing assistant, UX analyst, mental health support worker.
Current Job:
User Experience Analyst & Digital Technology Solutions Student
DXC Technology studying with Newcastle College
My Interview
What did you want to be after you left school?
An air hostess! I was only taught about "girly" jobs and when I got older I realized I loved IT and actually I could do what I wanted instead!
Were you ever in trouble at school?
A little bit, but more because I had an opinion and I stood up for what I believed was right. People can agree to disagree and that's ok.
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
I would love to have worked with dogs such as a dog trainer or a vet, I'd like to help animals if I could.
Who is your favourite singer or band?
My current male singer that I'm enjoying listening to recently has been Rex Orange County, and I love the band Neck Deep
What's your favourite food?
Tacos, Gyros, seafood, Indian cuisine!!!
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
Have enough money to live comfortably and enough to give to charities; my own business to keep me busy and provide a comfortable wage and working environment to others around me; be able to eat all the food I want without feeling ill!!!
Tell us a joke.
What did the policeman say to his bellybutton? Your under a vest!