
Eloisa Brook
About Me:
I live with my partner , 2 children and 2 cats in a small town in Hertfordshire. My children are 13 and 9 and go to the same middle school.
We recently went to Disneyland Paris which was so much fun.
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I love travelling and this year I have been to Amsterdam, Paris, Mallorca and Bilbao.
I don’t have a lot of spare time but when I do, I enjoy reading, knitting, swimming, running and snuggling down with one of my cats to watch a movie on a Friday night.
This is Buddy 🙂
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I work for a company that makes medicines, and I use my maths and logic skills everyday.
I work with people from all over the world, so sometimes that means taking calls very early or very late!
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My job is to analyse the data scientists send me to help them decide whether the medicines they are testing on animals are going to be good enough to treat humans.
My Typical Day:
I get up at 7am, make my children’s packed lunches and make sure they’ve had breakfast.
Take them to school then start work at 9am.
I have a call with my team to check they all know what they’re doing, then reply to emails, and do some work. I have lunch with my partner around 1pm (we both work from home most of the time) then I might take some calls with scientists and catch up on some data analysis.
I go and pick up the children at 3.15, then come back to do some more work until around 5pm.
What I'd do with the prize money:
I would look to see if I could arrange for a trip to the science museum for the year 6’s at my children’s school.
My Interview
What did you want to be after you left school?
I didn't know
Were you ever in trouble at school?
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
So many choices!!
Who is your favourite singer or band?
I'm really getting back into The Cure
What's your favourite food?
Cadbury's chocolate
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
To live closer to my parents, to live until I'm 102 and to be 21 again!
Tell us a joke.
Did you hear what the 0 said to the 8? Nice belt!