
Liz Kells
About Me:
I live in St Helens with my boyfriend. I like gardening, rugby and bird watching!
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I really enjoy nature so having my own garden is really special! I love seeing plants grow and all the wildlife that comes to visit – even the slugs!! I started watching the birds who visit during lockdown and am hooked! It’s amazing what you can see and hear if you stop to look and listen.
I love reading, TV, films and listening to music. I’ve been to a few festivals and love a good dance and sing to my favourite music! My current favourite is Sam Fender.
I spend a lot of time with my mum – she brought me up on her own so we are very close and like similar things.
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I look at chemicals in food that we eat.
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I work in an office and look at information about chemicals which might be in food that we eat. The information can be very different – every day and every chemical is different!
I look at data (numbers and words) which shows how much of a chemical might be in our food. I think about this, using some instructions (laws) to help me. I write reports to explain my decisions.
I look at pesticides (weedkillers, things that kill insects and fungus) and decide if they can be sprayed onto our fields where we grow food. I look at food that we buy from other countries too.
My Typical Day:
I go to my office. I look at information on my computer and write reports. Sometimes I talk to my friends in my team about the information and ask them what they think. I have lunch in my office canteen with my friends. Chips are always on the menu!
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I wake up and drive to my office. I get to work at 7.30 am and have my breakfast at my desk. I start looking at data (information) on my computer. I sometimes talk about the information with my friends. Some of my team are in different offices so I use video calls to talk to them. I have lunch in the canteen in my office with my friends. I go back to my desk and continue looking at information. Sometimes I talk to my friends across the world about the information I’m looking at and the instructions I use to make sure that we are all doing similar things. I normally go home at 3.30 pm. I can work at different times if I wanted to, but I like starting work and finishing early so I have more time in the evenings to do things I enjoy (and miss the traffic on the roads!). I can work from home if I want to but I miss my friends.
What I'd do with the prize money:
I’m not sure yet! Maybe donate it to a charity or give it to a school to use on STEM resources.
GCSEs, A Levels (chemistry, biology, maths and further maths), undergraduate BSc degree in natural science (chemistry and geology)
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
nature-loving chemical regulator
What did you want to be after you left school?
An accountant
Were you ever in trouble at school?
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Who is your favourite singer or band?
What's your favourite food?
Roast potatoes
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
To eat what I want without thinking about health, to know exactly what the weather is going to be and to always be happy
Tell us a joke.
Why did the seafood chef not like going to the gym? Because he pulled a mussel!