
Nicole Wheeler
About Me:
I’m originally from New Zealand, and now work in the UK researching AI and biosecurity.
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I come from New Zealand, and moved to the UK after my PhD to work on infectious diseases.
I grew up on a farm with lots of animals and originally wanted to be a vet when I grew up. I love the mountains, hiking in the forest and finding cool wildlife like baby seals!
When I’m not working, I love reading, running, and weightlifting
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I use DNA sequencing and AI to make the world safer against infectious diseases
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I started my career working in a laboratory studying human diseases, then fell in love with computer programming.
The groups I worked in always needed more people who knew maths and programming, so I ended up doing most of my work on computers, building computer models of diseases and building apps and programs to help people working in public health to make better decisions.
My work also takes me all over the world. Infectious diseases are a global problem, so scientists around the world have to work together to fight them.
My Typical Day:
All of my work is done on a computer, so I can work from anywhere! My work spans a lot of different subjects (biology, chemistry, maths, computer science, history, law and psychology), so I get to talk and work with experts from different areas, like medicine and government, and have fun figuring out how to solve problems people face in trying to fight infectious disease.
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I do a mix of:
– computer programming
– building cool ways to visualise data
– writing scientific documents for other scientists to read
– writing about scientific topics to explain science to people who aren’t experts
– giving talks about my work
– meeting with other people to discuss projects and come up with ideas
– reading what other people are up to in scientific journals and on social mediaWorking with computers means I don’t always need to go in to the office. Once a year I travel back to New Zealand to see family and work from home for a few weeks. I also travel a lot, meeting people from around the world and learning new things.
What I'd do with the prize money:
I’d spend it on AI in Schools – my educational program that introduces year 8 students to AI and programming.
I went to a few different schools in New Zealand, then studied biochemistry at a university in my hometown in NZ.
International Baccalaureate, BSc Biochemistry, PhD Biochemistry
Work History:
I had a few jobs in high school – delivering flyers, working at a petrol station, working in a few clothing stores. I got a job in university working in a lab that studies heart disease. After university, I got a job at the Sanger Institute in the UK researching infectious disease, before becoming a consultant and getting a permanent job researching and teaching at a university.
Current Job:
Technical consultant and academic
University of Birmingham
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Kind, creative, curious
What did you want to be after you left school?
I had no idea! Something to do with science and health, so I studied biochemistry to give me lots of options
Were you ever in trouble at school?
I was a teacher's pet
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Journalist or consultant
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Florence and the Machine
What's your favourite food?
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
1) that my research helped save people's lives 2) that I could snap my fingers and be back in New Zealand whenever I liked 3) the ability to freeze time - I always have so much I want to do!