June 2014 Zones: Apprentice, Cities, Food, and Health

The next I’m an Engineer event:

16th to 27th June 2014

This June we’re running four brand new I’m an Engineer zones!

This means 20 engineers chatting with and answering questions from around 1,400 secondary Maths, D&T and Science students.

Keep reading for zone details, or if you want to skip straight to the application, teachers register here: imanengineer.org.uk/teacher-registration, engineers apply here: imanengineer.org.uk/engineer-apply.

Apprentice Zone

For engineers currently on an apprentice scheme, or those who’ve entered engineering through an apprenticeship. Students will learn about apprenticeships and the vast array of career opportunities they open up.

The Apprentice Zone is funded by the STFC. It is open to any engineers with links to the STFC, for more information: imanengineer.org.uk/information-for-stfc-engineers.

Cities Zone – At 828 m, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai is the tallest building in the world. | Image: Donaldytong/Wikimedia

Cities Zone – At 828 m, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai is the tallest building in the world. | Image: Donaldytong/Wikimedia

Cities Zone

The Cities Zone is will look at a broad range of engineering areas; from building bridges and cable networks, to solving congestion and reducing power consumption. From fire safety to earthquake-proof buildings.

How will we get around in the cities of the future? What makes a city run smoothly? This zone will look at the engineering of the built environment.

The Cities Zone is funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering.

Food Zone

One of our first Biomedical Engineering Zones, the Food Zone will look at the engineering of food, and food safety. How is food produced, stored, and delivered to our tables?

The Food Zone is funded by the Wellcome Trust.

Health Zone

The Health Zone, another of our Biomedical Engineering Zones, will look at everything health related. From prosthesis and diagnostic equipment, to sanitation and waste management.

The Health Zone is funded by the Wellcome Trust.

Apply now to take part!


Teachers apply here: imanengineer.org.uk/teacher-registration
Apply before Tuesday 6th May
We’ll send an email out soon after this deadline asking which zones and how many classes you would like to bring online.


Engineers apply here: imanengineer.org.uk/engineer-apply
Apply before Monday 12th May
We wrote some application advice over at I’m a Scientist, the same advice applies.Take a look here.

Posted on April 15, 2014 by ModShane in News. Leave a comment

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