I’m an Engineer, Get me out of Here! is an online event where students get to meet and interact with real engineers.
It’s an X Factor-style competition between the engineers, where students are the judges. Students submit questions which the engineers will try to answer by the next day. Students then have live online MSN-style chats with the engineers, where they ask questions, learn more about the engineers, and let engineers know their opinions. It takes place online over a two week period. The students then vote to decide which engineer gets £500 to spend on engineering and science communication.
You can only talk on the site if you are one of the students, teachers or engineers who are taking part. And you can only vote if you are one of the students, but anyone can look around and read what is being said. Go on, have a look. From the main log in page, just pick a zone and browse around!
During the event young people use web technology they feel comfortable with, to ‘meet’ engineers. They ask questions and have live chats with engineers, and then vote for their favourite. The winning engineer will receive £500, to be used to communicate their work.
I’m an Engineer brings people together, gives young people a voice and teaches them about science and scientists in a fun, memorable and engaging way.
This event will run for the first time from 12th – 23rd March 2012.
I’m an Engineer, Get me out of Here! is produced by Gallomanor, specialists in helping organisations engage their communities.