November 2015 Zones

I’m an Engineer, Get me out of here will run for two weeks from Monday 9th to Friday 20th  November 2015.

With 2 different zones, we’re looking for 10 engineers and have space for more than 600 students.

Here is a list of the zones we will be running, or if you want to skip straight to the application, teachers register here:, engineers apply here:

Energy Zone

We’ve come a long way since Newton and Kelvin, but making energy work for us is still a hot topic. This zone will be fairly broad so if your work touches on energy in any way, this is the zone for you. From designing and manufacturing renewable energy sources, to testing and improving existing processes, it’s all got potential.

Car production line. Wikimedia Commons.

Production Zone

Have you ever looked at a car, or a chocolate bar, or your computer mouse and wondered: How is that made? Well the engineers in this zone could be able to tell you. In this zone the people who engineer the machines and processes that produce nearly everything in our everyday lives will be coming up with the goods.


These zones are funded by the IET and IMech. To be eligible to take part, engineers should be members of the IET or IMech.

Apply now to take part!


Teachers apply here:
Apply before Sunday 20th September
We’ll send an email out soon after you sign up asking which zones and how many classes you would like to bring online.


Engineers apply here:
Apply before Sunday 27th September
Take a look at this page for our advice on your application!


This November we’ll also be running I’m a Scientist. Click here for more information.

Posted on September 3, 2015 by ModShane in News. Leave a comment

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