Are there any IT checks we should do before the event?

Problems with the site are rare, but we have designed some brief checks which you can do well before the event begins, so that we or you are able to sort them out painlessly.


The site’s very simple. It uses HTML and some JavaScript. We may use Java to run the chat page, but no Flash and no plug ins.

It uses cookies.

It has been tested on all major browsers (even, shudder, IE6) and should be fine on machines running Windows, MacOS or Linux.


90% of the problems that schools have with the site are down to filtering systems imposed by school and education authority firewalls.

Problems are rare, but we know from experience what the possible issues are. Doing these brief checks well before the event begins will mean that we or you are able to sort them out painlessly.

Checks to run through:-

Before the event

1) Log in to the site while logged into the school system using your normal log in and check that you can:-

a) Ask a question (feel free to just say test, or ask a question of engineers if you want to!).
b) Access the chat page – please use the staffroom. This chatroom will be open for testing ‘drop in sessions’ before the event, as advised.
c) Type in the chat box.

2) Now log in to your system as a student and check the same things. It’s important to do this step, as some school systems block chat facility for students, but not for teachers.

If you find you need URLs whitelisted, then to find the URL for the right chat page(s), go to the zone(s) your students will be in (there’s a menu on the homepage) and then click on the CHAT icon towards top right.

Engineers should do the same from behind institute and corporate firewalls.

If you have any problems, please contact or call 01225 869413 and we’ll be happy to help.